Areas of analysis

minerva capital
The Minerva Capital project aims to bring the members of the League closer to the work carried out by a traditional manager. The project's mission is to learn and apply investment analysis techniques. Our members are always closely monitored by market professionals, who guide the analysis through feedbacks.

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who we are
We are the bridge between UFRJ students and the Financial Market. Our main purpose within the university environment is to promote better knowledge in finance and explore opportunities for professional growth in the area. To this end, we always seek to bring large companies and market leaders to the University, in addition to leveraging the training of UFRJ students for the job market.
The mission of the Investment League is to be the catalyst in the trajectory of UFRJ engineering students, through excellent training and bringing the Financial Market closer to the university.
Make the UFRJ Investment League a reference both in generating knowledge about finance and economics, and in training future market leaders .
Owner's Spirit
Thirst for knowledge
Long term vision
Team spirit
João Victor de Souza Valente
Banco Bocom BBM - Trainee
The League was a turning point for me. That's where I found space, within college, to discuss topics that really interested me and take these discussions to another level. The activities we carry out in this space will be marked in my personal and professional trajectory.
Gabriel Melo
BTG Pactual - Investment Banking Analyst
The League, inserted in the environment of excellent engineering students, plays a key role in the connection between the financial market and the Polytechnic School, both in the dissemination of economics and finance knowledge at the University, and in the technical development of its members for the financial market .
Vitor Wittmann Freitas
Bahia Asset Management - Intern
The League completely changed my trajectory at University. Of all the academic activities I carried out, it was the one that added the most to me academically, personally and professionally. I had the opportunity to be in the League for a year and a half, carrying out challenges, helping with projects, participating in events and trips.